The Old Police Station is part of a transforming programme. It's an artist-run project called 'do-it-your-self-art-centre' combining gallery spaces, independent project spaces, over 40 artist’s studios, a radio station and tea rooms together with social events areas.
We chose it mainly due to the low rate, compared with its nice space( £125 for all the rooms).
The venue is highly accessible: 5mins walk from New Cross Station, 10 minswalk from New Cross Gate, and connected by bus 53, 453, 36, 436, 171, 177.
Located near Goldsmiths College and Town Hall, and with artists stuios in same building, the venue is in the centre of art life in this area. The weekly special party, 'Dirty Cop Friday', held in the station will help further to attract a broad audience.
It also benefits of necessary services: heating, light, power, cafe, bar and toilets. The spacial and cozy cafe can be used to organize artists talk.
We believe that South London is the emerging new art area. Not saturated like East and West End, with art academies(Goldsmiths, Camberwell, etc.), there is great possibility in the South.
3 Cells. Video, installation and framed artwork can all be shown
Downstairs Gallery- Leave cafe from the door on the left, go downstairs and through a backyard.
place for information, in the gallery