Miru Kim (1981, Korea)
She is an artist, photographer, illustrator, and arts events coordinator, who has explored, documented, and photographed various urban settings such as abandoned subway stations, tunnels, catacombs, factories, hospitals, and shipyards. Kim's "Naked City Spleen" is series of photographs that include images of herself nude in these settings.
About her project
The title of her multi-media project takes inspiration from the nickname of New York City (Naked City) and poetry of Baudelaire (Paris Spleen). There is a performance aspect to this project that blurs the conventional notions of photographer and model, since the artist does both, setting up the camera on tripod and self-timer after searching and infiltrating these man-made structures forgotten or ignored by most.
Kim's Sample Photographs
Useful Linkshttp://www/mirukim.com/